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An investment in your employees is an investment in your bottom line.

Your employees are essential to the success of your organization but many are not creating the impact you'd hoped for. Worse, many great employees leave because they aren't getting the attention and support they need.


growing body of research is supporting what top-performing companies have known for decades: Providing coaching spaces for your employees is an effective way to improve job satisfaction, engagement, performance, and retention.

What our clients say

I would highly recommend Ted and Cottonwood Professional Coaching to any company serious about helping their staff gain the perspective and skills necessary in uncertain times.
- Matt G. | Sr. Director at HMA

Individual Coaching

Business Video Call

We have some difficult news: your employees are probably underperforming. The Peter Principle says fantastic employees will continue to be promoted until they eventually find themselves in a role that's too much for them.


This creates a couple of problems you might be familiar with: 1) You're left with fewer high performing people on the front line and 2) You have new managers who could deliver results as an individual but have no idea how to develop a team. It's a recipe for mediocre performance, disengaged employees, and lost profits.  

When you invest in coaching for your individual contributors and managers, you provide them with the support they need to grow into their potential. And the best part? Bringing in our coaches from the outside comes at a fraction of the cost of trying to do this internally.

Coaching for your employees:

  • Protects against burnout.

  • Gives employees responsibility for their own growth.

  • Improves engagement and performance.

Collaborative Workshops

Business Team

We should share a secret with you up front: your employees probably can't stand being herded into a room and forced to sit through a training. On some level we all know this but somehow companies spend a fortune and waste a lot of time on knowledge-based programming. 


We provide workshops on all sorts of topics from burnout to communication styles to conflict management. But the truth is that we only ever have one goal - to get your employees talking (and listening) to each other. And that's where the magic happens.


Through small group coaching workshops, we facilitate conversations that get employees learning from one another. Within an hour, we see people sitting up in their chairs, sharing their concerns, supporting one another, and making verbal commitments to take accountability for making changes in their company cultures. 


In our opinion, these kids of experiences are essential in any business that needs strong and reliable teams. When we talk about these workshops out in the world, the most common response we get is, "Wow. Something like this would fix so many of the problems where I work."

No matter the topic, your employees will leave feeling:

  • Connected in a personal way to other employees.

  • Re-engaged with a shared mission.

  • Empowered to take meaningful action toward their wellbeing.

Engaging Keynotes


The right message at the right time and in the right tone can make seismic shifts within a group. It's why we take so much care to communicate a WHY, a WHAT, and a HOW that will create a specific and meaningful impact.


When you hire us to speak at your conference or other gathering, you'll get so much more than a presenter who stands on stage and delivers information. Before we write a word, we spend time with you gaining an understanding of your company, your mission, your values, and your most pressing challenges. You can be sure that your custom keynote speaks directly to the needs of your audience and in a language that resonates with them. 

On stage, our job is to befriend your audience and use the power of storytelling to paint them as heroes with a mission to fulfill. And unlike many presenters who simply deliver information we will use that story to inspire action. As coaches, we don't leave a conversation until we've presented a clear call to action. Your audience won't just leave with a felt sense of why their mission is important, they'll have clear next steps and a challenge to do something about it.

Our keynotes follow a few simple but important rules:

  • Get them laughing.

  • Package the message as a story.

  • Position them as the main characters and give them a mission.

How Does It Work?


Book a Strategy Call.

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Design & Plan

After we speak, we'll send a full proposal with pricing and options.



Leave the heavy lifting to us. We'll design and deliver an experience that you'll love.

Man on a phone demonstrating how easy it is to book an intro call at cottonwood coaching

What's The investment?

Every program we create is custom. Even if we're covering topics that we know inside and out, we spend time to figure out how it applies to your company and your circumstances. And because of that we won't have a good estimate until we speak.

That being said, we're kind of over the cloak and dagger approach to pricing that we see throughout the coaching industry. We want to be as transparent as possible, so here are some foundational numbers that inform how we value our packages.


Our base rate is $200 per hour of individual coaching.


We charge $350 per hour of group facilitation.


Discounted rates for every 10 employees coached.


Keynotes begin at $1800 including prep/ revisions.

The initial investment? 30 minutes.

Minimal Office

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Fill out this form and we will respond to you within two business days. You can also text us directly at (855) 489-6167.

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